Name: Kiyara McWright
Age: 12
Sports Played: Hockey
Home State: Minnesota
Kiyara is a dedicated 12-year-old hockey player for the Apple Valley Burnsville Valkyries 12U team. Starting hockey just three years ago through the MN Wild’s “Hockey is for Me” program, she has worked tirelessly to improve her skills and has become known for her positivity, hard work, and coachability. Kiyara also excels academically, maintaining a 3.8 GPA and earning A honor roll while overcoming the challenges of dyslexia. The requested funds will allow Kiyara to attend the Burnsville summer hockey camp, helping her stay on the ice, continue her growth as a player, and build on the support InSports has previously provided.

“I started hockey late so am working really hard to catch up to some of the players who have played since they were very little. I feel like I have improved a lot since I started through the MN Wild Hockey is for Me program just 3 years ago. I love hockey and want to keep playing it. I try never to miss a day of practice and have never missed a game or tournament!”