Name: Kasir McWright
Age: 9
Sports Played: Hockey
Home State: Minnesota
Kasir McWright is a hardworking 9-year-old hockey player. His love for hockey began after attending a MN Wild game, which inspired him to join the “Hockey is for Me” program. Since then, he has dedicated himself to improving his skills, training with the Mosaic Hockey Collective and earning recognition for his teamwork, effort, and positive attitude. Off the ice, Kasir works hard in school, focusing on improving his reading skills and managing his emotions with the help of his IEP. A previous InSports scholarship helped Kasir stay active and develop as a player, and this year’s support would allow him to attend the Burnsville summer hockey camp to continue building his skills and staying active throughout the summer.

“I started loving hockey when my mom took us to a MN Wild game. She got some free tickets and my sister and I both loved it! We signed up for the Hockey is for Me program and haven’t stopped playing. We have hockey almost every day.”