Name: Catherine Goldman
Age: 13
Sports Played: Tennis
Home State: Florida
Catherine is a 13 year old tennis player from Hollywood, Florida. She is an ambitious student athlete who has been playing tennis since she was 5 years old. Catharine also received a Good Sportsmanship Award for her positive attitude and great behavior during a difficult match. Her coach, describes her as a passionate athlete who represents a positive image of advancing in women in tennis. Catharine applied for an InSports Scholarship to help pay for her tournament fees at the US National Level 3 Tournament in Macon, GA in April of 2020.

“Thank you very much for your generous scholarship grant. It has truly made a difference to me that you can see my potential and support me so that I can become a better professional and a valuable part of modern society. In the future, I would like to work in a field where I can make an impact on local community development. I would like to sincerely thank you for your recognition and support. I am very proud to be chosen by the InSports Foundation.”