On Sunday December 21st, 2014, despite another Purple and Gold last minute let down against the Dolphins, the InSports Foundation celebrated their first event as an official Non-Profit organization. Over 120 of supporters of the foundation gathered at the Vikings Stadium Preview Center to watch the game and learn a little more about the foundation’s mission of helping kids get in the game. The Vikings Preview Center offers a first-hand look at the new stadium, which will open July 2016. The facility – 7,500 square feet – includes a plethora of features, including 37 high definition television screens and seven interactive kiosks. The space provided a great experience for those who made it on the InSports VIP Guest List.
For the half-time entertainment, founders Max Smith and Andrew Deters, shared their vision for the foundation. They also shared some of the reasons that led them to start a foundation and explained how they plan to raise funds to help kids all over Minnesota have an opportunity to play sports. Following the speech came an informational video featuring Minnesota hockey legend, Pat Micheletti, and US soccer star, Tony Sanneh. The video captured how important sports are for these two former professionals, and provided examples of how kids of all ages can benefit from sports.
InSports would like to thank everyone who made it to the event. We appreciate all the donations that were received!